NBA 2K Badge

Every available NBA 2k25 badges you should know about

NBA 2K25 brings alot of new additions into the badge system which alter the player creation and alter how one can play the game. In NBA 2K25, there are details about badges, their requirement, tier ranking, and categories, meaning earning familiarity with all the NBA 2K25 badges is essential for constructing your MyPlayer. In this guide you will be introduced to all categories of badges and their descriptions and also the tiers for the badges.

NBA 2K25 badges improve the features of gameplay and determine how your created player will progress in the game. Shooting, play making, defense, rebounding and etc; NBA 2k25 badges are unique skills that can be used to improve your performance.

During games, you get badges for performing related actions. For instance, making multiple three pointers increases the shooting badge level, making accurate passes increases play making badge level.

There are some NBA 2k25 badge requirements. Every NBA 2k25 Badges has five levels that may be ascended: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Hall of Fame, and Legend, each with its own set of height criteria. The following tables detail each NBA 2k25 Badges, including its category, attribute, ratings, and height requirements.

NBA 2k25 poster with NBA 2k25 badges

Every shooting NBA 2K25 Badges

BadgeAttributeBronzeSilverGoldHall Of FameLegendHeightRange
DeadeyeMid-Range Shot73859295995’9″ to 7’3″
DeadeyeThree-Point Shot73859295995’9″ to 7’3″
Limitless RangeThree-Point Shot83899396995’9″ to 7’3″
Mini MarksmanMid-Range Shot71829497995’9″ to 6’3″
Mini MarksmanThree-Point Shot71829497995’9″ to 6’3″
Set Shot SpecialistMid-Range Shot65788993995’9″ to 7’3″
Set Shot SpecialistThree-Point Shot65788993995’9″ to 7’3″
Shifty ShooterAgility60657276825’9″ to 6’11”
Shifty ShooterMid-Range Shot76879196995’9″ to 6’11”
Shifty ShooterThree-Point Shot76879196995’9″ to 6’11”
Every shooting NBA 2K25 Badges
  • Deadeye: Reduces the effect of closing defenders on jump shots.
  • Limitless Range: Expands a successful three-point line.
  • Mini Marksman: Improves precision when shooting over larger and opposing team’s players.
  • Set Shot Specialist: Enhances the chances of making standstill jump shot.
  • Shifty Shooter: Increases off the dribble high difficulty shots.

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Every Playmaking NBA 2k25 Badges

BadgeAttributeBronzeSilverGoldHall Of FameLegendHeightRange
Ankle AssassinBall Handle75869395995’9″ to 6’10”
Bail OutPass Accuracy86919496995’9″ to 7’3″
Break StarterPass Accuracy65758793985’9″ to 7’3″
DimerPass Accuracy55718292985’9″ to 7’3″
Handles For DaysBall Handle71819094975’9″ to 7’0″
Lightning LaunchSpeed With Ball68758691945’9″ to 6’11”
Strong HandleBall Handle60677377805’9″ to 6’11”
Strong HandleStrength60657384935’9″ to 6’11”
UnpluckableBall Handle70809296995’9″ to 7’3″
UnpluckablePost Control758696N/AN/A5’9″ to 7’3″
Versatile VisionaryPass Accuracy78899597995’9″ to 7’3″
Every Playmaking NBA 2k25 Badges
  • Ankle Assassin: Improves the capacity of getting past defenders.
  • Bail Out: Helps in avoiding mistakes when feeding out of shots or double teams.
  • Break Starter: Enhances the ability of outlets after every rebound.
  • Dimer: Improves shot accuracy for players who get passes.
  • Handles for Days: Helps to minimize stamina decimation when performing dribble manoeuvres.
  • Lightning Launch: Enhances the rate at which attacks are launched from outside the box.
  • Strong Handle: Ability to avoid having the ball taken away from one while dribbling the ball in the play zone minimalizing chances of ball getting defended.
  • Unpluckable: Defenders have a difficult time prodding the ball free with their steal attempts.
  • Versatile Visionary: Enhances completion of difficult threading of passes and alley oops assist.

All Finishing NBA 2k25 Badges

BadgeAttributeBronzeSilverGoldHall Of FameLegendHeightRange
Aerial WizardVertical58677280845’9″ to 7’3″
Aerial WizardDriving Layup57697987955’9″ to 7’3″
Aerial WizardDriving Dunk64708089975’9″ to 7’3″
Aerial WizardStanding Dunk60758492985’9″ to 7’3″
Float GameClose Shot68788692985’9″ to 7’3″
Float GameLayup65788895985’9″ to 7’3″
Hook SpecialistClose Shot60758794985’9″ to 7’3″
Hook SpecialistPost Control61658090995’9″ to 7’3″
Layup MixmasterDriving Layup75859397975’9″ to 6’11”
Paint ProdigyClose Shot73849296995’9″ to 7’3″
Physical FinisherStrength60677583995’9″ to 7’3″
Physical FinisherDriving Layup70809096975’9″ to 7’3″
Post Fade FandomPost Control60707984905’9″ to 7’3″
Post Fade FandomMid-Range Shot61718090945’9″ to 7’3″
Post PowerhousePost Control64758593985’9″ to 7’3″
Post PowerhouseStrength70798695965’9″ to 7’3″
Post-Up PoetPost Control67778795995’9″ to 7’3″
PosterizerDriving Dunk73879396995’9″ to 7’3″
PosterizerVertical65758085905’9″ to 7’3″
Rise UpStanding Dunk72819095995’9″ to 7’3″
Rise UpVertical60626669715’9″ to 7’3″
All Finishing NBA 2k25 Badges
  • Aerial Wizard: Enhances alley-oop and put back layups.
  • Float Game: Enhances floater success.
  • Hook Specialist: Boosts post hook accuracy.
  • Layup Mixmaster: Improves the rate of making successful layups through acrobatics.
  • Paint Prodigy: Helps to increase the effectiveness of scoring in the paint.
  • Physical Finisher: Enhances one’s capacity to convert through contact.
  • Post Fade Phenom: Improves the chances of post fades and hop shots.
  • Post Powerhouse: Improves a player’s ability to back down defenders and move them using dropsteps.
  • Post Up Poet : Increases the likelihood of fooling or getting past the defender, as well as scoring, when making moves in the post.
  • Posterizer : Increases your chances of landing a dunk on your defender.
  • Rise Up: Increases chances of dunking or posterizing your opponent when standing in the painted area.

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Every Defense NBA 2k25 Badges

BadgeAttributeBronzeSilverGoldHall Of FameLegendHeightRange
ChallengerPerimeter Defense71829295995’9″ to 6’11”
GloveSteal67799196995’9″ to 7’0″
High-Flying DeniverBlock68788892996’3″ to 7’3″
High-Flying DeniverSpeed50606671756’3″ to 7’3″
High-Flying DeniverVertical60748083856’3″ to 7’3″
Immovable EnforcerPerimeter Defense62728489945’9″ to 7’3″
Immovable EnforcerStrength71828591925’9″ to 7’3″
InterceptorSteal60738594985’9″ to 7’3″
Off-Ball PestInterior Defense69768594975’9″ to 7’3″
Off-Ball PestPerimeter Defense58688087985’9″ to 7’3″
On-Ball MenacePerimeter Defense74859296995’9″ to 6’9″
On-Ball MenaceAgility70768084865’9″ to 6’9″
Paint PatrollerInterior Defense60707784895’9″ to 7’3″
Paint PatrollerBlock74849397995’9″ to 7’3″
Pick DodgerPerimeter Defense73839097995’9″ to 6’10”
Pick DodgerAgility71757985925’9″ to 6’10”
Post LockdownInterior Defense74828893996’5″ to 7’3″
Post LockdownStrength70788492976’5″ to 7’3″
Every Defense NBA 2k25 Badges
  • Challenger: Enhances the efficiency of well timed competitions versus perimeter shooters.
  • Glove: Enhances the ability to successfully steal from ball handlers or strip layup attempts.
  • Interceptor: The frequency of successfully tipped or intercepted passes increases significantly.
  • High Flying Denier: Increases the speed and leaping abilities of a defensive player in preparation for a block attempt.
  • Immovable Enforcer: Increases a defensive player’s strength against ball handlers and finishers.
  • Off Ball Pest: Makes players more tough to get past while playing off-ball, because they can grasp and hold their opponent and don’t get their ankles broken as frequently.
  • On-Ball Menace: Hounds and bodies up while protecting the perimeter.
  • Paint Patroller: Improves a player’s ability to block and contest shots near the rim.

Every Rebounding NBA 2k25 Badges

BadgeAttributeBronzeSilverGoldHall Of FameLegendHeightRange
Boxout BeastStrength68718389966’3″ to 7’3″
Boxout BeastOffensive Rebound55708594986’3″ to 7’3″
Boxout BeastDefensive Rebound55708594986’3″ to 7’3″
Rebound ChaserOffensive Rebound60809296995’9″ to 7’3″
Rebound ChaserDefensive Rebound60809296995’9″ to 7’3″
Every Rebounding NBA 2k25 Badges
  • Boxout Beast : Enhances a player’s ability to box out and fight for optimal rebounding position.
  • Rebound Chaser: Enhances a player’s ability to hunt down rebounds from a greater distance than usual.

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Every General NBA 2k25 Badges

BadgeAttributeBronzeSilverGoldHall Of FameLegendHeightRange
Brick WallStrength72839195996’6″ to 7’3″
Slippery Off-BallSpeed57738592995’9″ to 6’9″
Slippery Off-BallAgility5657788965’9″ to 6’9″
Pogo StickVertical63707783886’4′ to 7’3″
Pogo StickBlock80869495996’4′ to 7’3″
Pogo StickOffensive Rebound80839196996’4′ to 7’3″
Pogo StickDefensive Rebound80839196996’4′ to 7’3″
Every General NBA 2k25 Badges
  • Brick Wall: Increases the efficacy of screens and drains energy from opponents through physical contact.
  • Slippery Off Ball: When attempting to get open off screens, the player better navigates through traffic.
  • Pogo Stick: Allows players to swiftly return up for another leap after landing. This might occur on a rebound, block attempt, or even jumpshot.


What are badges in NBA 2K25?

In NBA 2K25, badges are skill-enhancing tools that players could be used to increase the performance of their MyPLAYER on the court.

How do I earn badges in NBA 2K25?

Badges accumulate while you play games, and the more you utilize them, the faster you’ll earn them. You may also improve your badges by doing exercises at the Team Practice Facility. Badge Elevators can be earned throughout the year as season rewards. These boosts can raise your badge level by up to two levels during seasons 1-4 and three levels during seasons 5-8.

What are the different badge categories in NBA 2K25?

There are six NBA 2k25 badge categories. They are Shooting, Playmaking, Finishing, Defense, Rebounding, General & All Around badges.

What are the badge tiers in NBA 2K25, and how do they work?

In NBA 2K25, there are two badge tiers, and your MyPLAYER’s height decides which one your badges go into: Tier 1 and Tier 2. In 2K25, there are only two badge tiers, and your badges’ tier is determined by your height. This is critical to understand since the new +1 Max Badge level is only applicable to one Tier 1 badge and one Tier 2 badge. This table should indicate which tier each badge is in and at what height.