Cam soccer position

What is the CAM Soccer Position? Explained

Soccer is a team sport, consisting of eleven players in each team every player has a particular position in the soccer formation. These positions can be broadly divided into three main areas: Defense, midfielder and attack — which is further classified into eleven different positions in any soccer formation. Since all the soccer positions and roles have their own importance and characteristics within the soccer formational setup such as the last man in defence, the Goalkeeper makes crucial saves for the team and prevents opponents from scoring goals. 

At the same time, defenders act as shields in front of the keeper maintaining defensive solidity. At the same time, midfielders function in the middle connecting the defence to attack — where forwards are positioned to score goals. One of the most popular soccer positions in the modern day is the ‘Central Attacking Midfielder’ (CAM) also known as the number 10 or playmaker in the midfield who is primarily responsible for orchestrating attacks and goal-scoring opportunities through their creativity and playmaking skills. 

In this article, we will explain the role of the CAM position and what is their role and discuss the key traits required to effectively function as a playmaker. In addition, take a look at the some of best Attacking midfielders in soccer history.

What is the Role of the CAM Soccer Position?

The CAM position in soccer stands for Central Attacking Midfielder – who operates in advanced midfield zones in spaces between the defence and attack. They play a key role in any team’s build-up behind the striker and creativity makes their job challenging at the same time captivating, as only those players who are technically gifted. Their role is more attack-oriented as compared to centre midfielders.

Thomas Muller
Thomas Muller (Getty Images)

A CAM makes sure there’s a smooth transition from midfield zone to forward play by functioning as the source for linking up play with the attackers and making the task of forward easy to create scoring chances. And often act as assist providers as mostly the goals are the offspring of attacking midfielder’s play. They are the creative force of any team, playing a significant role in the offensive strategy with their vision and passing ability. 

Generally, the attacking midfielders are relied upon to initiate an attack as they are also given the freedom to road freely all around the centre of the park to break the defensive structure of the opponents and exploit the weakness and the gaps in the defence delivering precise offensive passes into spaces with their exceptional vision intelligence and tactical awareness anticipating the attacking move in advance in the key moments of the match. Thus, the best playmakers in the world are burdened with the responsibility of creating chances for their team. 

Apart from making creative and defence-splitting passes, they carry the ball forward after picking up from fellow teammates from the deep area or within their half. Also, attack-minded midfielders thrive on linking up with wide midfielders, wingers, or strikers to overload the opposition’s box. Usually, it depends on the manager what role within the soccer formation is being assigned to CAM — sometimes they are deployed as second-striker just behind the number nine to make late runs in the box alongside managing the creativity role.  

Additionally, Central Attacking midfielders are also the designated set-piece takers of the team be it corner kicks or free-kicks their strong technique and powerful shots are equipped with precision to trouble opposition goalkeepers or find their teammates near inside the 18-yard box. Another aspect of the CAM game is they are free to roam around the spaces and exchange positions with their fellow teammates during the transition or when keeping the ball possession, this makes it quite difficult for opposition players to mark the Central attacking midfielders tightly and preventing their movements.

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Characteristics of Central Attacking Midfielder in Soccer 

Kevin De Bruyne
Kevin De Bruyne (Getty Images)

As we have already discussed the role of a Central Attacking Midfielder (CAM) in Soccer, now we are going to shed some light on the list of five significant traits or key skills which are essential for CAM to be effective and help his side to pose a serious attacking threat to opponents.   

Vision: vision is a crucial characteristic of CAM for constantly scanning the pitch and surroundings to plan their movements. It helps to spot the attacking runs of his teammates to deliver accurate passes within the half-spaces. Exception vision helps them anticipate whether to make a strong or slow pass, put a long ball or dribble further and wait for the right moment to play the pass. 

Passing: the most elementary trait of any midfielder, other aspects of a Central attacking midfielder such as vision and game intelligence won’t be effective if the passes aren’t perfectly executed as envisioned by the player. Particularly, for playmakers who heavily rely on passes throughout their game probably the most among any other position for switching flanks, making short passes or quick combinations play, long passes, through balls to split the defence or within tight spaces and making final passes and putting precise crosses in the box.

Shooting: the attacking midfielder must be able to take a shot at the goal due to their CAM position’s offensive nature they find themselves near the 18-yard box with the ball at their feet shooting has become a habitual part of creative midfielder’s game nowadays. Taking long shots, dispatching close shots scoring penalty kicks and most importantly taking free kicks — some of the best CAMs in the game, were exceptional in shooting and finishing. 

Dribbling: It’s another important aspect of creative playmakers — the CAMs generally operate in packed spaces in the centre of the pitch placed in front of the opposition’s defence and midfield due to which they are usually surrounded by rivals. That’s when the skill of dribbling to skip past the marking and smoothly drift between closed areas showcasing footwork and agility subsequently opening new areas on the pitch. 

Zinedine Zidane (Getty Images)

Intelligence: Game awareness and tactical intelligence are what makes a CAM unplayable and unpredictable for defenders. They dictate the flow of the game with their ability to anticipate the move and plans to move in advance to beat the defence and their markers. The game IQ and ability to understand to read the situation to adjust their playing style then manage the risks and decision-making to make the most out of given freedom on the pitch. 

Agility: In sporting terms agility refers, to how quickly a player can change his direction and make swift movements while maintaining balance. Since the CAMs are required to put busy shifts in the midfielder often dropping deep and going up it is necessary to maintain balance and composure while dribbling making explosive runs through the channels and providing passes vertically and all over the pitch in every possible direction. 

Best Central Attacking Midfielders in History 

The most stylish and eye-catching position in Soccer has boasted numerous superstar players over the generations such as Zinedine Zidane, Jude Bellingham, Thomas Muller, Florian Wirtz, Jamal Musiala, Kevin De Byune, Diego Maradona, Bobby Charlton, and Ronaldinho are of the greatest CAMs from past and current generations. These names have famously excelled in the position of Central attacking midfielder playing pivotal roles and steering their teams to glory through their creative and playmaking skills.

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Q. What does the CAM position mean in soccer?

The CAM soccer position stands for the Central Attacking Midfielder position which operates in the central midfield area with more attacking role than centre-midfielder as the name suggests.  

Q. What does a CAM do in Soccer?

The attacking midfielder is responsible for producing goal-scoring chances and opportunities for the forward players with their offensive passes and playmaking skills. They often drift up front to score goals.

Q. How different is CAM’s position to CDM in Soccer?

Both CAM and CDM soccer positions are used in the midfield, however, in Central defensive midfielder’s role is to break the opposition’s attacks and build-ups sitting in front of the defence. While the CAM does the exact opposite such as creating attacks and build-ups. 

Q. What are the Soccer formations in which CAM is used?

4-2-3-1, 4-3-1-2, 3-4-1-2, 4-3-3 diamond and 4-4-1-1 are among the widely used formations – are centred around CAM and have been designed to maximize their usage and increase their involvement suiting their game.  Also, to be noted their role can vary depending upon the coaches’s instruction or playing style.